Russian Misinformation

Ever since 2014, the Russians have been giving out misinformation and propaganda through out the US through proxy sites, multiple platforms of social media, and posing as other people, through which some success has actually been found to fool people, but some failures have been found in trying to stay hidden. Mainly the big things involved with this misinformation campaign are the people using proxy sites and different user profiles to spread their 'opinions' which generally are meant to lull you into believing what they want you to believe by withholding information. Sites like the ones stated by the GEC like the Strategic Culture Foundation, New Eastern Outlook, and South Front. In the modern day, Russians are still with us, trying to disinform us of the Covid 19 virus and vaccine.

Their Goals

Russia has different goals with each website and social media platform they use to gain influence but the tactic that is brought out to bring out those tasks into the world is a tactic they call 'Information Confrontation'. 'Information Confrontation' is a term that is used for military and strategic circles, and focuses on their description on information in times of peace and in conflict. And while this is the general focus, their goal is to mainly seep into Western society organically and spread their misinformation with a lot more confidence having breached into basically our homes on the internet. The Strategic Culture Foundation is used to give conspiracy theorists more of a platform, News Front offers itself as a alternative source of information for Western Audiences, and Global Research is a Canadian website that lends itself to Russian Propoganda and the disinformation ecosystem.

Recent Day

In recent day, Russia has been in the background, rearing their heads every now and again to target the COVID-19 vaccine and convince people to use Sputnik. Beyond that of trying to absorb people into their fake western identities, they target things like pfizer's value and other Western Vaccines like moderna. In this undermining, they can set up fronts for Russian Intelligence and play up the vaccine's side effects up to 11.